My hubby has always been the kind that has felt that we have too many little kids, too much to do, etc. That the time for THAT is later. Ha-ha. laugh with me now, ladies. The time for THAT is NOW before we are on separate ends of the bed each night and glaring at each other more than gazing. He has since changed his mind. Of course part of his issue has been cost- babysitters are EXPENSIVE! 3 kids, a couple hours... the cost of whatever you are doing... So now we switch kids with my dear friend once a month(you can check her out here. I love this idea- our kiddos have been womb buddies, and ADORE one another. My oldest swears he shall marry her oldest,etc. The cost is NADA, the time with our spouses Priceless (MasterCard commercial music in background)
Last Thursday was our date. Hubby said to wear a light colored shirt and sneakers. The destination was a surprise. Hmm... I wore white, with black shorts so that I could wear my way cool zebra hoop earrings. Yes- I matched my outfit to my earrings... He took me to one of his favorite golf courses.
The last time I went golfing was with my Pop-pop. I was 5ish- and all I wanted to do was use that ball cleaner! I think I went through an entire BAG of balls, that were already clean.
Seeing as I am the novice we started out at the driving range. I amazed my man at my quick to learn skills, and also nailed my shins WITH MY OWN BALL enough times that he said he was buying me knee pads for our next game. Ha-ha. We played 9 holes, best ball, and I only drove 3 balls into the lake.
I had a blast! For those of you that think golf is boring I am shocked. It took tons of concentration, lots of competitiveness, and being able to laugh at yourself. Like at how much it looks like you are trying to poo when golfing.
I thought I had a more bent over pic- but you get the idea. :-)We made out on the golf cart, and thoroughly enjoyed our day.
I saw This couple
later that night after family devos, and then our own bible study time my man said he realized how important US time was. How rejuvenated and relaxed he felt, and how needed is was. I remembered reading something about men needing to PLAY with their wives( For Women Only by Shaunti Feld-something...)and saw how true that was. My man needed to have fun with me. If I had planned the date it would have been flea marketing, after all I AM looking for a coffee table, mirror for my mantle, and kitchen table/chairs, but seriously- would he have enjoyed that? A little. But not as much as high fiving, laughing at and with his wife. Flea marketing here and there is okay- but I think I will try to play with my man more.
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