Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yesterday was j-mans first day of first grade. in a new school. We waited for the bus for 1/2 and hour and off he went- he didn't even look out the window as he pulled away! Upon returning home he said 'My new is school is WAY BETTER than that stupid preschool mom! Hmm...

I had a great talk with one of my dearest friends yesterday. She was struggling with not having a job this fall as a teacher, and feeling as if she was not contributing financially, she wasn't good at housekeeping, maybe God wanted her to start a family now, etc. I just wanted to transport myself to Cali in a blink and hug on her. I reminded her that God has this here and now for her. Adding a baby to NOT being a good housekeeper is like , well, wanting to be Picasso when you can't even color in the lines much less wield a brush. I was created to be a HELPMATE to my husband, as was she. Worldly thinking might say otherwise, but Godly thinking says me being at home is what my man needs. How often have I been convicted that I need to spend my time more wisely, how often has dinner been easy because I was too lazy to put together something else. My man works hard all day, why can't i do the same? What might God have for me in the church to serve while being at home,t oo? Why do I light candles for company but not Shaun? I like to 'put my pearls on' so to speak, so my man comes home to a nice clean home, clean kids, attractive wife, smell of good food.
Why do we think that supporting our man is not a full time job? How many times Shaun has taken me in his arms and said that he can't make it without me. How may times he has told me he would rather work 2 jobs if need be than me work one so that someone keeps the house running! I loved on my friend through the phone and reminded her to use gods measuring stick not the worlds. I told her that she may not be a great housekeeper, but maybe now was the time to make it an art. To make their home a soft place to land, a sanctuary int he storm, a haven. as I go about my day i shall be thinking about her, and about my family and my own homes atmosphere. Where can i improve and works as if for God not man?

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