
Monday, November 30, 2009

A swallow of Pride

I cannot believe it is the 29th already! I am so dissapointed in myself and my first series. You see, I had high hopes, at least 12 post ideas, and a schedule. A SCHEDULE PEOPLES!
 Its been 5 posts, and pride swallowing. I was so excited about this to begin with, and so puffed up with pride about my first series. I didn't quite realize the time that would go into it. (opr the stinking picture taking!)Next year I shall start in October drafting, and have some stuff ready ahead of time for days when Chaos hits. Or laziness. Or both on the same day. I think God just wanted to teach me some things. Like priorities, and um, a lesson in pride. I've always been the kind of gal that can 'get it done'. Come hell or high water, it will be finished, by golly. And finished well, no not well, dang near perfect! I usually thrive under pressure. Somehow I think my God wanted me to learn to lean on Him, and not be so full of me. He is the one that gave me my talents and creativity and I need to be using them to glorify Him, not self. So- as I learn a little more in the pride department, I will try and get some more posts out this month. No promises on how many, but I shall do my bestest. You live and learn , eh? Thanks be to God he doesn't leave us the way we are!
In the past 2 weeks I have finalized my sons Chrstmas, I had stocking stuffers to get, and somehow convinced hubby that we needed a puppy as a Christmas gift. We had to put our dog down last March, and my hubby and sons are dog lovers. The kids have been begging for a dog for, well, since March. We have looked at many different breeds, and um, they are expensive! I came across an add one day that mentioned Christmas puppies had arrived. The price was perfect! I emailed the breeder asking for more info and mentioned it to hubby. His eyes twinkled and I got giddy at the idea of the bestest Christmas gift my kids havehad/will ever have beyond Christ.
We promptly looked up the breed, a sheepadoodle. Old English Sheep Dog/Standard Poodle. The 'designer' breeds are supposed to be great- any poodle mix I have heard great things about. Even though I would never own a straight up poodle! Anywho- we picked out a sweet little guy affectionately dubbed 'Noodle, the sheepadoodle'. He will not be ready until the 21st, but the breeder will hold him until Christmas Eve. He will then spend the night at my In-laws, and after my boys open their presents, daddy will slip out adn go get him, and he shall be the last gift! I am so stinkin excited! I went black friday shopping with the M-I-L ( a much looked forward to yearly tradition) and we picked out fabric for a puppy bed, and toys and a stocking! Yes- a stocking. Okay- if you know me- I am NOYT an animal lover. But Noodle seems to be changing that. Huh- odd the things we do for our hubby and kiddos, eh? Anyways... I. Can. Not. Wait.
Shaun is going through Noodle withdrawl. He says he may have to slip him home on Christmas Eve because he cannot bear to be away from 'his' dog. Uh-huh. Alright- off to bed for me- I think tomorrows post shall be advent related!

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