
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Someone tried to take a dump on my week...

Ever had one of those weeks? You know THOSE weeks? I swear we have gone through periods in our life where our circumstances would make a 'Uh-Lare-ee -us' sit com episode. This week was one of them. On Tuesday, unbeknownst to my hubby I began painting my boys room. It was in seriosuly bad shape- they had gone through a color on the walls phase 2 years ago. Yeah- it was bad! I moved all of the furniture myself, etc.
Wednesday my littlest got bit in the face by a neighborhood dog. Thursday my  middlest was 'triple dog dared' to jump OVER the sprinkler. He takes after his clutz of a mother, and landed ON the sprinkler splicing his foot wide open. A trip to the E.R. concluded it was so wide and deep it could not be stitched back- the tissue was dead. It has to 'fill itself back in'. So, after a needle being jammed into the wound, and the dead hanging tisue cut off ( I know GROSS) we were sent home with orders to stay off it. In carrying around a 50 pound kid I pulled a muscle in my groin area. I am sure it has nothign to do with my new rigorous workout schedule, or moving dressers and bunkbeds by myself!
Then Friday rolled around. I was having Jacksons friend party that night, and had been up till 1 am the night before finishing a dragon cake. Jackson woke up in so much tummy pain, that we went to the doc. He hasnt been eating, it hurts to touch, etc. We were thinking appendicitis. Honestly- we have no clue what is going on, so we will be seeing a G.I. Soon.  I had no way of getting ahold of 5 of the kids from school that he invited to the party, and my house was a wreck. BEFORE we left for the doc, he was wanting to show his brothers his cake. It was on the botton shelf of the garage fridge. They left the door to the fridge open, and then the littlest let the dog out to go potty. Need I say that the dragon got mauled? I had nothing but dragon butt left to serve the kids. Dragon Butt Cake. FAB-U-LOUS!
At this point I cracked up, because it was either laugh or cry. Hubby suggested the kids wouldn't care- it would be awesome to eat mauled dragon. I think the look I gave him told him otherwise.
So- how does my week end? I have NO IDEA. I am baking some crazy deserts for a family get together, carrying around a gimpy kid, and concernedly looking over a 'not himself' kid.
I DO know that Gods grace is sufficient for me, and His power is perfect in my weakness. For without Him I think I would have pulled my hair out this week! Go ahead ABC/NBC call me, we can work on the script together!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Etsy update!

Hello! I know, it's been awhile. Life has been Busy. BUsy, BUSy, BUSY. Did I mention we have been busy?
Spring break was last week, and besides my 3 wee-uns, I had another lil guy for the week. I am SO outnumbered. We packed the week full of hiking, picnicking, indoor water parks, treasure hunts, a movie, a sleepover, and the like. It was fun. It was also exhausting. So- I'm playing catch up on the house, and catch up on sleep, and catch up on laundry.... You know what I'm talking about! Add to my being behind, 3 boys and a dog in the mix, and working out, and house work... And, well- my poor blog was neglected. But my kids have kept me on my toes with things like toothpaste in brothers hair, etc, etc, etc.  I also have been working on a little something for my etsy shop. I have handpainted myself several pillows- numbers, definitions, monograms, etc. And, well, I finally decided to update the neglected Etsy shop. If you click here you will find my pillow covers. I am loving the Jamaican Sea Monogram. Turquoise is finding it's way into my heart... Yes, I still love red, but um... I'm thinking I'm having a little emotional affair with Mr. T lately. He's just so fresh, and young, and lively. Sshhh! Don't tell Mr. Red, he would really be heartbroken. And do NOT tell him that once I repaint my living room I MAY have Mr. T on my windows instead of him.
Anyhwo- check it out. Tell me what you think. I could use some feedback seeing as I really am just getting my feet wet. Thanks!